Distinguished Faculty
Gregg Robinson

Dr. Robinson received his B.A. and Ph.D. from UCSD in the sociology of education. Before coming to Grossmont College he taught at the University of Texas San Antonio, Austin State University, and the University of Maryland East Shore.
At Grossmont College he served as the Parliamentarian for the Academic Senate, as well as a Senator in that body. He has served on our Benefit Committee as well as the larger Voluntary Employee Benefit Association which provides our healthcare insurance for our district as well as most school districts in San Diego County. He also was chair of the Behavioral Science Department from 1994 to 1996.
Dr. Robinson has volunteered in many organizations over the years, and has been honored to serve as a leader at many of these. He currently serves as an elected member of the San Diego County Board of Education where he is Vice President. He currently serves as an elected member of the California State Democratic Executive Board. He also serves as the Co-Coordinator of the Educators For the Future, which is an educational reform organization. He has in the past also served as both a search consultant and co-chair of the San Diego Affordable Housing Coalition. For his work with the Affordable Housing Coalition he received an award from the San Diego Housing Coalition.
His research over the years has focused around the volunteer work he has done. Thus while he was the head of the Affordable Housing Coalition, he did research and published papers on the Foreclosure Crisis. In the last few decades, as a result of hia service on the SD County Board of Education, he looked at what predicts teachers’ job satisfaction among those who teach in inner city schools. His activism with the union movement has led to publications and papers that focused on how union membership mediates racial and political attitudes.
Dr. Robinson wishes to stress what an honor it has been to serve Grossmont College students. As the first in his family to go to college, he knows how important that kind of education can be to someone’s life. One of the most fulfilling parts of his professional life has been to help his students complete their educational goals. It has been said that as parents we live through our children, but as teachers we connect to hope through seeing students achieve their dreams. Dr. Robinson believes it has been a huge privilege for him to be a small part of realizing these dreams.