Academic Catalog

Sociology (SOC)

Introduction to Race & Ethnicity  3 UNITS  
3.0 hours lecture  
An introduction to the sociological analysis of ethnicity, race, and immigration in the United States. Topics include the history of racialized and minoritized groups in the United States, patterns of interaction between racial and ethnic groups, colonialism, immigration, identity formation, prejudice, discrimination, ethnocentrism, racism, institutional racism, social movements for civil rights, liberation and decolonization, and the intersection of race and ethnicity with other forms of difference. Also listed as ETHN 114. Not open to students with credit in ETHN 114. (C-ID SOCI 150) (CSU/UC) (AA/AS-D, CSU-D,F, IGETC-4,7)
Introductory Sociology  3 UNITS  
3.0 hours lecture  
Introduction to major concepts, theoretical perspectives, and methods in the study of society. Topics include social structure, culture, social control, deviance, social stratification, globalization, ethnic and racial relations, gender, sexuality, complex organizations, social institutions, the material and symbolic dimensions of human social interactions, socialization, the social construction of the self and social change. (C-ID SOCI 110) (CSU/UC) (AA/AS-D, CSU-D, IGETC-4)
Marriage, Family, and Alternate Lifestyles  3 UNITS  
3.0 hours lecture  
An introduction to the sociological analysis of families, marriages and intimate relationships. Family life and intimate relationships in contemporary American society are examined from the perspectives of different ethnic and racial groups with a focus on the intersectionality of race, class, gender and sexuality. Emphasis is placed on the analysis of the family's relationship to economic structures, political institutions and belief systems in different socio-cultural and historical contexts. Topics include: history of the family, family diversity and inequality, socialization, sexuality, child and intimate partner violence and abuse, courtship, interracial friendships and romantic relationships, singlehood, marriage, communication patterns, parenting, adoption, divorce, remarriage, stepfamilies, widowhood, aging, and the future of the family. (C-ID SOCI 130) (CSU/UC) (AA/AS-D, CSU-D,E, IGETC-4)
Contemporary Social Problems  3 UNITS  
3.0 hours lecture  
A study of contemporary American and global social problems, with emphasis on the sociological theories and scientific research methods. Topics include poverty, unemployment, global economic inequality, racism, gender inequality, health care issues, crime, war, violence, terrorism, environmental degradation and the concentration of political and economic power. A critical evaluation of policies and programs for social betterment is also presented. (C-ID SOCI 115) (CSU/UC) (AA/AS-D, CSU-D, IGETC-4)
Social Psychology  3 UNITS  
3.0 hours lecture  
An examination of individuals in social contexts to reveal how one's thoughts, feelings and actions can be influenced by other people. Includes topics such as social perception and attribution processes, dissonance reduction, altruism, aggression, prejudice, conformity, and group processes. (C-ID PSY 170) (CSU/UC) (AA/AS-D, CSU-D, IGETC-4)
Sex and Gender Across Cultures  3 UNITS  
3.0 hours lecture  
An introduction to the sociological analysis of sex, gender and sexual orientation in a variety of socio-economic and cultural contexts. The course examines the impact sex, gender and sexual orientation have on the lives of men and women from different cultures in the areas of work, ethnicity, kinship, sexuality, politics, religion, health, arts, sports and communication. Gender and sexual relations in the contemporary USA are examined from the perspectives of different ethnic and racial groups. (C-ID SOCI 140) (CSU/UC) (AA/AS-D, CSU-D, IGETC-4)
Latinx Communities in the United States  3 UNITS  
3.0 hours lecture  
An introduction to Latina/Latino Studies through a sociological examination of Latinx communities in the United States. Topics include the racialization process of Latinx communities in the U.S. and the role colonization, imperialism, white supremacy, eurocentrism, decolonization and liberation struggles played in the identity formation and social experiences of Latinx people. The course examines current family structure, gender roles and sexuality; religion; economics; political participation; institutional racism; U.S./Mexico border issues, immigration policy; and education. Focus is on the intersectionality of race/ethnicity with other forms of systemic inequalities. Emphasis is placed on social movements geared toward anti-racism, resistance, and struggle for social justice by Latinx communities. Also listed as ETHN 150. Not open to students with credit in ETHN 150. (CSU/UC) (AA/AS-D, CSU-D, IGETC-4)
Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences  4 UNITS  
3.5 hours lecture, 1.5 hours laboratory  
Methods and experience in defining and solving quantitative problems in the behavioral sciences. Emphasis is on the design of experiments and the application of a variety of parametric and nonparametric techniques to the analysis of data. (C-ID MATH 110, SOCI 125) (CSU/UC) (AA/AS-A3, CSU-B4, IGETC-2A)