Academic Catalog

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Media Communications Associate in Science and Certificate of Achievement

The Department of Media Communications’ curriculum serves two purposes:

  1. The Media Communications (MCOM) curriculum brings to the student an awareness of the impact of communications technology and programming in our daily lives and on society as a whole. We are experiencing a revolution in information availability and the expertise of media in manipulating that information. Most members of society remain unaware of the pervasive nature of this influence even though it has become a constant in their lives. The Department of Media Communications aims to make students more thoughtful consumers of mass media.
  2. The courses offered in Media Communications are also designed to give students a working knowledge of the concepts, values, theoretical understanding, operational skills, rapidly developing technology, and experience necessary to succeed as competent professional communicators in the fields represented by the curriculum: Audio Production, Cross-Media Journalism, and Video Production.

The Department of Media Communications at Grossmont College enjoys a statewide and national reputation for excellence. The faculty, both full-and part-time, have been carefully chosen for their many years of experience in their fields and in the classroom. The career opportunities for majors in this department include positions in newspapers, news agencies, public relations, commercial and non-commercial television, radio, business and industry non-broadcast applications, videoconferencing, video production studios, education, and the growing fields of digital communications and multimedia.

Students may elect a program from these three areas: Audio Production, Cross-Media Journalism, or Video Production. The programs are designed to meet lower division transfer requirements or job entry requirements, depending on the goals of the student.

Career Opportunities

Audiovisual Specialist
Camera Operator
Engineering Technician
Instructional Media Specialist
Lighting Director
News Director1
Print Journalist1
Production Assistant1
Technical Director1
World Wide Web Journalist


Bachelor’s Degree or higher required.

The Program-level Student Learning Outcomes (PSLOs) below is an outcome that students will achieve after completing specific degree/certificate requirements in this program.

  1. Students will analyze the functions and roles of mass media in US society.
  2. Students will understand and apply the functions and principles of mass media within society.
  3. Students will organize and synthesize the basic principles of their discipline knowledge and create applicable media.

Associate Degree Major Requirements

Note: All courses must be completed with a letter grade of “C” or higher or “Pass.”

Core Curriculum

MCOM-110Mass Media and Society3
MCOM-112Introduction to Reporting and News Writing3
MCOM-116Introduction to Audio Production3
MCOM-117Television Studio Operations4
MCOM-210Social Media in the Digital Age3
Total Units16

Note: Students must choose at least one area of emphasis.

Audio Production Area of Emphasis

Core Curriculum16
MCOM-113Media Announcing3
Select three units from the following:3
Media Internship 1
Media Internship 2
Media Internship 3
Select one of the following sequences:9
Sequence A.
Radio Station Operations 1
Radio Station Operations 2
Radio Station Operations 3
Sequence B.
Audio Multi-track Production 1
Audio Multi-track Production 2
Audio Multi-track Production 3
Total Units31

Plus General Education and Elective Requirements

Recommended Electives

MCOM-111Introduction to Film Analysis3
MCOM-118Media Script Writing3
MCOM-250Introduction to Representation in the Media3

Cross-Media Journalism Area of Emphasis

Core Curriculum16
MCOM-118Media Script Writing3
MCOM-119ARadio Station Operations 13
MCOM-212Multimedia Reporting3
Select one of the following:3
Student News Production 1
Student News Production 2
Student News Production 3
Select three units from the following:3
Media Internship 1
Media Internship 2
Media Internship 3
Total Units31

Plus General Education and Elective Requirements

Recommended Electives

MCOM-113Media Announcing3
MCOM-217Television/Video News Producing and Directing3
MCOM-250Introduction to Representation in the Media3

Video Production Area of Emphasis

Core Curriculum16
MCOM-111Introduction to Film Analysis3
MCOM-118Media Script Writing3
MCOM-120Single Camera Video Cinematography3
MCOM-230Digital Program Production3
Select three units from the following:3
Media Internship 1
Media Internship 2
Media Internship 3
Total Units31

Plus General Education and Elective Requirements

Recommended Electives

MCOM-217Television/Video News Producing and Directing3
MCOM-250Introduction to Representation in the Media3

Certificate of Achievement

Any student who chooses to complete only the requirements for one of the areas of emphasis plus the Media Communications core curriculum qualifies for a Certificate of Achievement in:

  • Media Communications – Audio Production
  • Media Communications – Cross-Media Journalism
  • Media Communications – Video Production

An official request must be filed with the Admissions and Records Office prior to the deadline as stated in the Academic Calendar.