Academic Catalog

Health Sciences Cuyamaca

Public Health for Transfer (AS-T)

The Associate in Science in Public Health for Transfer provides a broad exposure to the field of public health and related disciplines. Upon completion of this degree, students will be able to recognize effective strategies aimed at reducing threats to the health of our communities and the public at large. The program lays the foundation for student preparation in development, implementation, and evaluation of public health services in various settings and with diverse populations.

The following is required for the AS-T in Public Health Science for Transfer degree:

  1. 60 semester or 90 quarter CSU-transferable units;
  2. California State University General Education Breadth pattern (CSU GE Breadth); or the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) pattern for the CSU;
  3. Minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0;
  4. Minimum of 18 semester or 27 quarter units in the major or area of emphasis;
  5. Grade of “C” or higher or “Pass” in all courses required for the major or area of emphasis.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this program, students will be able to:

  • Outline strategies for prevention, detection and control of infectious and chronic disease.
  • Describe the organization, financing and delivery of various medical and population-based services in the United States health care system.
  • Explain the role of Public Health in addressing the following issues: disparities among different populations, aging, injuries, obesity, control of emerging diseases and epidemics, and emergency preparedness.
  • Analyze reliable public data sources to find statistical and epidemiologic data on incidence, prevalence, and trends in drug, tobacco and alcohol use.
  • Review recent public health literature detailing ways that race, socioeconomic status and gender become embodied in disparate health outcomes.
  • Analyze the contribution of environmental conditions to disparate health outcomes, using case studies.

Career Opportunities

Career opportunities in Public Health are varied, but consist primarily of administration1, teaching1, research1, program planning1, health promotion1, outreach, and administrative assistance duties in the following contexts:

Government agencies
Private Volunteer agencies
International Relief programs
Environmental Health programs
Occupational Health programs


Bachelor degree or higher recommended.

Associate in Science for Transfer Degree Requirements

Core Curriculum Requirements
BIO-130General Biology I3
BIO-131General Biology I Laboratory1
HED-120Personal Health and Lifestyles3
HED-201Introduction to Public Health3
MATH-160Elementary Statistics4
List A
Select one of the following:4-5
Human Anatomy
Human Physiology
and Laboratory in Human Physiology
Paramedical Microbiology
List B
Select one of the following:3
Health and Social Justice
List C
Select one of the following:3
Health Professions and Organizations
Substance Abuse and Public Health
Human Sexuality
Units in the Major24-25
16/13 units may be double-counted with GE
Plus General Education Requirements (CSU GE or IGETC-CSU)39/37
Total Transferable Elective Units12-13/11-12
Total Units60